EU Legal Environment Overview: Legislation and SDGs

by | Apr 9, 2024 | Unit 1 - Introduction to Smart City 3.0 | 0 comments

The Green Cities consortium developed the blog post “EU Legal Environment Overview: Navigating Through Legislation and SDGs” under the EU-Funded Project Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities (reference number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135). L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH is leading the project alongside partners Citizens in Power, Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı, Kean, Walktogether, and Kaán Károly Környezetvédelmi Egyesület.

This blogpost is based on the training content developed for the Green Cities project. For more content like this, click here. If you would like learn more about the topic, we suggest enrolling in our free online training course. In the platform, you will also find the full list of references and extra suggested reading material.

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Introduction to the EU Legal Environment

In a world increasingly focused on sustainable development, understanding the legal frameworks that support these goals is essential. The European Union (EU) is a leader in this endeavor, integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its legislative and policy frameworks. This blog post offers an overview of the EU legal environment, highlighting the transition from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to SDGs, and examining key EU policies and framework programmes that support sustainable development.

EU Legal Environment: Transition from MDGs to SDGs

The coordination of legal frameworks with sustainable development has become a priority for global institutions in a rapidly changing world. Module 1.2 of our educational series delves into the intricacies of the EU legal environment. It focuses particularly on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This 45-minute module offers an in-depth understanding of these global initiatives. It also explains how EU policies and framework programs support their achievement.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

The MDGs were established in 2000 as eight international development goals to be achieved by 2015. They addressed a range of global issues, including poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.

EU Legal Environment

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Millennium Development Goals expired in 2015. So, in September 2015, the world agreed on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals address a wider range of issues and emphasize sustainability, inclusiveness, and equality.

EU Legal Environment

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EU Legal Environment: Main EU Policies Supporting the SDGs

The European Union shows a robust commitment to integrating the SDGs into its policies and legislation. One key area is environmental protection. The European Green Deal aims to make the EU’s economy sustainable by addressing climate and environmental challenges. It includes goals such as achieving climate neutrality by 2050, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting a circular economy. Additionally, the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 seeks to restore Europe’s biodiversity by protecting nature, reversing ecosystem degradation, and halting biodiversity loss.

Economic growth is another focus, with the Europe 2020 Strategy promoting smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. This strategy sets targets for employment, innovation, education, social inclusion, and climate/energy. By focusing on these areas, the EU aims to foster economic development that benefits all citizens while maintaining environmental sustainability.

Climate action is also a critical component of the EU’s approach. The EU Climate Law enshrines the 2050 climate-neutrality target into legislation, providing a stable framework for climate action. Moreover, the EU Energy Strategy aims for climate neutrality by 2050, targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. The EU’s commitment under the Paris Agreement further emphasizes its dedication to limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.


In conclusion, the EU’s commitment to the SDGs is evident through its comprehensive policies and framework programs. By aligning its legal environment with the SDGs, the EU contributes to global sustainability efforts. Moreover, it ensures that its development is inclusive, equitable, and environmentally sound. The module developed provides a crucial understanding of these dynamics. It prepares participants to engage with and contribute to ongoing efforts toward a sustainable future.

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