Smart Cities Marketplace

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Unit 4 - Good examples worldwide | 0 comments

The Green Cities consortium developed the blog post “Smart Cities Marketplace” under the EU-Funded Project Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities (reference number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135). L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH is leading the project alongside partners Citizens in Power, Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı, Kean, Walktogether, and Kaán Károly Környezetvédelmi Egyesület.

This blogpost is based on the training content developed for the Green Cities project. For more content like this, click here. If you would like learn more about the topic, we suggest enrolling in our free online training course. In the platform, you will also find the full list of references and extra suggested reading material.

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The Smart Cities Marketplace is an innovative platform initiated by the European Commission. Its purpose is to foster the development of smart and sustainable cities across Europe. Hence this platform serves as a key hub for various stakeholders, including cities, companies, SMEs, investors, banks, and researchers.

What is the Smart Cities Marketplace?

The Smart Cities Marketplace is a collaborative space that actively supports smart city projects. It helps cities and stakeholders implement innovative and sustainable solutions. The platform’s activities follow three main stages:

  • 1. Explore: In the Explore stage, users can learn about successful projects and initiatives from other cities. The platform maintains an updated catalogue of best practices and solutions. Consequently, this resource provides inspiration and a basis for replicating these ideas in different regions.
  • 2. Shape: During the Shape phase, the platform assists decision-makers in turning their ideas into real projects. Moreover, it encourages dialogue and involves all key stakeholders. Furthermore, this stage is crucial for developing concrete project concepts.
  • 3. Deal: In the Deal stage, the platform facilitates one-on-one exchanges between project promoters and funding community members. The goal is to finance projects and close deals, ensuring the implementation of innovative solutions.

The Smart Cities Marketplace and the European Green Deal

The Smart Cities Marketplace aligns with the European Union’s Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and the European Green Deal. It aims to create smarter, more sustainable cities, transforming selected European cities into urban experimentation centers to improve air quality, the environment, and overall city life.


In conclusion, the Smart Cities Marketplace platform for fostering smart and sustainable urban development across Europe. By supporting the Explore, Shape, and Deal stages, it ensures the successful implementation of innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life in urban areas. Consequently, it aligns with the European Green Deal and Cohesion Policy, contributing to a smarter and more sustainable Europe.

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