Youth NGO in Germany: How to Establish and Register

by | Sep 22, 2024 | R3 - Building Green Youth Communities | 0 comments

Starting a youth NGO in Germany is also perhaps the most rewarding way to inspire others. However one needs to adhere some legal and business practices as well. Here are some fast and easy ways to do that.

This blog post created for “Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities (2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135)” EU-Founded project. Where the coordinator is L4Y, and the partners are, CIPWalktogetherKeanKKKETOG. You can read more blog posts about the project in these categories (r1r2, and r3).

Define Your Aim and Goals for a Youth NGO in Germany

Defining the Objective and Goals of a Youth NGO in Germany
You need to mention what are the goals and objectives of the organisation. What does the organisation exists to do — whether that is empowering the youth, educating people or saving the environment?

Having found out who to watch, it is necessary that you have in mind a particular group of people. Which needs your care and for instance these can be students, migrants or socially excluded young citizens. Mention your motivation and the work type of your NGOs (like Workshops, Mentorship Programs or Community Participation action Projects).

Forming a Founding Group for Your Youth NGO

A registered association (Verein) is founded with a minimum of seven founding members. They will be instrumental in giving some kind of legitimacy to the organisation. So get people who actually see eye-to-eye with your objectives and targets for what you want the NGO to accomplish. It is also significant to choose and designate a few roles amongst founding members. Like Chairperson Secretary Treasurer so that there will be clarity among organisational responsibilities from the first day.

Choose a Legal Form

Choose the Appropriate Legal Form for an NGO in Germany. Many NGOs are an e.V. (Eingetragener Verein — registered association and legal entity, non-profit.) If you believe that a more formal larger organisation could help, then incorporating as a non-profit gGmbH with limited liability is most likely the way to do it. Consult a lawyer to learn which legal form is the best for your NGO in the long run.

Articles of Association (Satzung)

Satzung — this is the Articles of Association and making one will provide Leap into legality. You will need to provide the documentation that includes your NGO’s name and address, along with the purposes. The composition or qualifications of its membership (if any). Who is responsible for making management decisions. Board and General Meeting Positions. Also use German non-profit provisions in the Satzung, like „gemeinnützig“ (no «personal benefit»), this could help to get a member or more. These by-laws regulate routine decisions, meetings (quorum and other formalities), voting, and the procedure for altering or disbanding the NGO

Conduct a foundation (Gründungsversammlung)

After drafting the Satzung, we will hold a founding meeting (Gründungsversammlung). During this meeting, we will adopt the Articles of Association and pass resolutions on appointments. Someone must record the minutes of this meeting, as it is necessary later for registration. This is where your founding members meet and actually know their positions/ what laws or liability might be on the NGO.

Registering a Youth NGO in Germany

You can only complete this registration by submitting all the necessary documents at your local court (Amtsgericht). This typically requires sending their Satzung, the minutes of founding meetings and the names and addresses where they live) of his Board members. Furthermore you need to apply for entry in the Vereinsregister (register of associations). Registrations are usually between € 50 and €100 which makes it a relatively cheap part of the incorporation process.

Tax Registration

In Germany, obtaining non-profit or tax-exempt status is mandatory for NPOs. Once registered, it is eligible to request non-profit status with the tax office (Finanzamt). The association must also submit to the Register a copy of their Satzung, an application for tax exemption status and an activity description. After that you will be able to receive a determination letter in this field, the tax number and exemption certificate for donations from NGO corporation as well as benefit of merit-tax several types (if applicable)

Opening a Bank Account for Your Youth NGO

After registering your NGO and after complying with the Tax law, you need to have a bank account in the name of organization. In this, you will be required to give the copy of Court imposed registration certificate & Satzung along with ID proof of Board members. It needs to be maintained with transparency, a separate bank account

Capital Raising and Financial Model

Which basically means a good Fund raising NGO. This is how an NGO in Germany can be financed for child and young people promotion, as well as social commitment from the public but so also of the private sector. You can also use membership fees as a source of revenue aside from getting grants and donations. You get the status of a non profit only when you have annual financial reports showing how much money is coming in, and what are the expenses, so make sure that records are maintained for all activities under to NGO.

Formulating a Communication and Outreach Strategy

The most important part about connecting with the targeted audience and wider community is good communication. The first thing should be to doing a website of your NGO with information on purposes, activities and success. They need a platform like Instagram or TikTok and anywhere that people are going to hear you, so as long they are reaching youth. Ideally one would work together with a number of other NGOs, either locally (five local villages implement sport for health interventions) or nationally/internationally too.

Recruit Volunteers and Staff

Volunteers are the biggest contributors to campaigning activities led by NGOs. Develop a recruitment programme specifying student tasks related to certain volunteer job-intentions and linked training. If your NGO grows, then you may also want to hire employees. Ensure all employment contracts and Social security contributions are according to German labour laws.

Organising Your First Event as a Youth NGO

Very best strategy to begin an NGO is via event, or group venture on the grounds of your cause. Conduct a youth workshop, mentor programme or community initiative to create awareness and interest. If you are facing difficulty in funding then go for the grant around your locality. Take the event to businesses or local organisations for potential sponsors.

Follow Guidelines and Requirements For Reporting

Once you start an NGO, a lot of reports needs to be filed. Depending on how your NGO is set up you will need to send these reports annually the tax office and other relevant authorities. Newsletters, reports events Keep your donors and other stakeholders up to date with what you are doing through newsletters, reports or news articles. Transparencies holds their interest.

Additional Tips

Do you have any legal questions on how to found a NGO in Germany? Q: So what do you suggest for partners — advice from an attorney? Anyone with some experience and background in German non-profit law to dodge a few petites. Being part of umbrella organisations can be very useful Like the German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) that also will bring you more accountability, money and networking.

Youth NGO in Germany: Conclusion

In Conclusion, partners created this blog post for the GreenCities project’s youth-led NGOs. But feel free to use it if you would like to.

Project partners will always back you; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Meanwhile, please follow the project’s social media channels.

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