Tech for Green Cities: Writing Contest

by | Aug 15, 2023 | R3 - Building Green Youth Communities | 0 comments

Blog Post about the Environmental Address at – “Tech for Green Cities: Writing Contest” were young minds required to participate in a writing contest “Greentech Solutions for local problems”; The blog post is by Youth Participation For Developing Sustainable green cities Project The competition on environmental issues is how it takes place and promotes the paper writing skills of young people. How it works? This creative contest inspires you to become part to continue reading. We got the lowdown on this exciting new opportunity.

Tech for Green Cities: Background and Aims of Writing Contest

We are implementing the project “Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities” (reference number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135) L4Y Learning For Youth GmbH is coordinating the project with the partners Citizens in PowerToplum Gönüllüleri VakfıKeanWalktogether, Kaán Károly Környezetvédelmi Egyesület.

This competition has as its main goals:

Mission: It uses the storytelling tool to increase knowledge and awareness among young people on world’s biggest problem-solving stories related with environmental protection, climate change, sustainable cities etc.

Encourages young participants to actively look at the above issues and refer back in a consideration.

How does the competition generate — An interface for young writers to pen down their creativity in the form of articles, stories and writing that ensures originality and thought?

It is a challenge for young people to come up and set themselves as the societal leaders, working towards active citizenships of their problems in that community.

The writing contest “GreenTech Solutions to Local Problems” is to help identify these young environmental champions! Moreover, the result shall contribute in developing sustainable green cities with the smartest solutions. Not only that, as this is the part of a bigger initiative which promotes youth based organisations and encourages young citizens to help build green-tech smart cities. (Deadline: January 31, 2024)

Contest specifications

  • Aged 18 -30years, living in Germany (incl. migrants)
  • This Call is written in German and English.
  • Teams is the only possible option Groups must be at least two genders equal, i. e.: 1 female + 1 male in a group
  • One work can be entered per participant.
  • An additional video (Optional +15 points) can be submitted with the text work of each participant.
  • Those who submit that extra video as well, will get an additional 15 points.

The work;

  • Cannot have ever competed before
  • During : They must NOT comprise talk about negative or demeaning comments in opposition to any religion, ethnic group, race, gender-sexual orientation.
  • Individual commercial entities/products/services shall NOT be advertised,
  • Must NOT be against the law.
  • Should be under 10 pages in length (single space, Helvetica 10)

Tech for Green Cities: How Does One Tackle The Problem Of Bringing Tech For Green Cities?

Participants are required to identify an environmental issue affecting their community and propose a GreenTech solution. For example, this is a way for them to confront the challenge:

  • Identify the Issue: You have to articulate very clear, who it affects and how does that hurt a community.
  • Past Participants: Determine the past attempts to mitigate the problem It makes them understand what the mistake was.
  • GreenTech Ideas : The most important part of the contest Cancel Fashion is to concept decent tech solutions for the problems (problems in first blogpost). You can complete it in a few different ways:
  1. Yours: Mentally Endowed — anyone who shows they have any kind of mental capacity at all will so rise above the rest. They need to outline the solution, how it works, who benefits and whether it is attainable.
  2. Cross Learning: Contestants can also see results from other places and adopt it in their own regions. Before going further take a look at smart cities best practices we have previously shared:
  3. Process Changes: Also, participants can brainstorm what might work that they haven’t tried in their own community yet. Then, they should contrast the two communities and explain how they will support the critical to their community.

Tech for Green Cities: How to Enter in Writing Contest

Local significance of the problem (20 points):

To what extent does the paper recognize and describe a well-defined local environmental problem? Moreover, is the problem well-identified, and do you feel that it benefits someone in an academic union rightly understanding how much of a crisis this is for community?

Competition or Lack of Originality (20 Points):

Is the essay an original, innovative and creative response to this question? Is there at least the potential for a fresh perspective in terms of tackling this need, with no existing solutions that overlap those proposed?

Green Impact and Sustainability (15 points):

How sustainable are the proposed solutions for environmental sustainability? How effectively do they encourage the optimal use of resources, the minimization of waste and energy consumption, respect for life systems overall?

Feasibility and Practicality (10 points):

Do they offer mostly realistic and practical solutions which local governments can reasonably implement? They don’t consider resources available, the support of a community or potential problems that may arise during implementation.

Research and Evidence (10 points):

Research — How well-researched is the essay Do the solutions eventually become endorsed as reliable by evidence? Has the paper exhibited deep knowledge of and strong argument for its topic?

Writing Style and Organisation (10 points):

Does the essay possess a clear structure, organization and argument that is easy to follow? Further, can ideas be followed easily from paragraph to paragraph within an essay? Can we understand their thoughts with the writing style and doest they entertain us? For instance, are there any grammatical, spelling mistakes in the essay? That effectively communicates a sense of the authors passion and commitment to this subject matter?

Video Submission (15 points):

Do you want to get a little creative and share your thoughts in the video? Consequently, this will give you an added 15 points.

Criteria for videos:

The video must be on an interesting, related topic which is a maximum of 10 minutes long and free from mistakes with good structure. In the Intro and Outro of Video (it is available here), also add: GreenCities project logo(s)Partners logos (if contributing to the production in-kind)EU LogoEU Disclaimer During the finals, you have to file your video in English or German and (for a german employer) provide them with english subtitles.

Tech for Green Cities: Exciting Rewards

  • 1st prize: 500 EUR
  • 2nd prize: 300 EUR
  • 3rd prize: 200 EUR

Writing Contest Application Process

If you want to compete, please fill in the form below – and submit your articles or videos through it. For any requirement or a further discussion, you can reach out to us at:

Tech for Green Cities: Conclusion

Finally, the “GreenTech Solutions to Local Problems” writing contest would like you to join and help shape a greener tomorrow. This writing contest occured in the course of progressing Project Youth Participation for Building Sustainable Green Cities – a space where youth imagination meets with realism. Social narratives increase the average interest and dedication to address environmental challenges by planting change, making participants a part of the common solution.

Be a part of the Green Cities Project’s online community by joining us on our Discord server

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