Tech for Green Cities: Writing Contest

by | Aug 15, 2023 | News | 0 comments

“Tech for Green Cities: Writing Contest” blog post addresses environmental concerns; the Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities Project invites young minds to join the “GreenTech Solutions to Local Problems” writing contest. This exciting contest encourages young people who care about the planet and enjoy writing to develop solutions for local environmental issues. Let’s explore the details of this inspiring opportunity.

Tech for Green Cities: Background and Aims of Writing Contest

We are implementing the project “Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities” (reference number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135) L4Y Learning For Youth GmbH is coordinating the project with the partners Citizens in PowerToplum Gönüllüleri VakfıKeanWalktogether, Kaán Károly Környezetvédelmi Egyesület.

The contest has several key objectives:
– It aims to enhance awareness among young individuals about global concerns like environmental protection, climate change, and sustainable cities by harnessing the engaging method of storytelling.
– It fosters a sense of responsibility by encouraging young participants to actively observe and reflect on these global issues.
– The contest provides a platform for young writers to express themselves creatively through articles, stories, and writing, promoting originality and innovation.
– It seeks to empower young people to emerge as societal leaders, promoting active citizenship and problem-solving in their communities.

The “GreenTech Solutions to Local Problems” writing contest also aims to identify environmentally conscious young individuals who can contribute to developing sustainable green cities. Moreover, this contest is part of a larger project that fosters youth-led NGOs and engages young citizens in creating eco-friendly, smart cities. (Deadline: January 31, 2024)

Contest specifications

  • Young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who reside in Germany (including migrant backgrounds)
  • Submissions should be in German or English.
  • It is only possible for teams. There should be at least two gender-equal (one female, one male) people in a group.
  • Participants can participate only with one work.
  • Participants can also submit an extra video (optional but worth 15 points) with their text work.
  • If participants submit that extra video, too, they will have an extra 15 points.

The work;

  • Must NOT have participated in any contest before,
  • Must NOT contain discourses that may have a negative or demeaning effect against any religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic group.
  • Must NOT advertise commercial institutions/products or services,
  • Must NOT be against the law.
  • Should be at most the 10-page limit. (single space, Helvetica 10 font)

Tech for Green Cities: How Can You Approach the Challenge?

Participants must find an environmental problem in their community and suggest a GreenTech solution. Here’s how they can approach the challenge:

  • Explaining the Problem: Contestants must clearly define the problem, who’s affected, and why it harms the community.
  • Looking Back: Participants should see if anything has been done before to solve the problem. It helps them learn from the past.
  • Coming Up with GreenTech Ideas: The essential part of the contest is finding suitable tech solutions for the problems. There are a few ways to do this:
  1. Your Ideas: Participants can use their imagination to think of new solutions. They should explain the solution, how it works, who it helps, and if it is achievable.
  2. Learning from Others: Contestants can also learn about solutions that have worked elsewhere and suggest using them in their community. We recommend that you take a look at the best practices of smart cities that we have previously shared:
  3. Making Changes: Participants can also think about solutions that were successful elsewhere but have yet to be tried in their community. They should compare the two places and share how they’d make the critical work for their community.

Eligibility Criteria for the Writing Contest

Relevance to the Local Problem (20 points):

How well does the essay identify and define a specific local environmental issue or problem? Is the problem clearly stated, and does the paper demonstrate a deep understanding of its impact on the community?

Originality and Innovation (20 points):

Does the essay present a fresh and creative approach to addressing the problem? Are the proposed solutions unique and innovative, demonstrating a novel perspective on tackling the issue?

Green Impact and Sustainability (15 points):

To what extent do the proposed solutions contribute to environmental sustainability? How well do they promote the efficient use of resources, waste reduction, energy conservation, and overall ecological health?

Feasibility and Practicality (10 points):

Are the suggested solutions realistic and feasible to implement locally? Do they consider available resources, community support, and potential challenges that may arise during implementation?

Research and Evidence (10 points):

How well-researched is the essay? Do reliable sources and evidence eventually support the proposed solutions? Does the paper demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject matter through well-supported arguments?

Writing Style and Organisation (10 points):

Is the essay well-structured, organised, and easy to follow? Are ideas presented coherently, with clear transitions between different essay sections? How effective is the writing style in conveying the thoughts and engaging the reader? Is the essay free from grammatical and spelling errors? Does it effectively communicate the author’s passion and commitment to the topic?

Video Submission (15 points):

Would you like to show your creative side and express your ideas through your video? Then, you will be entitled to an extra 15 points. 

Criteria for videos:

The video should have an attractive, relevant topic, be a maximum of 10 minutes long, be free from errors, and be well-structured. Additionally, please incorporate the logos of the GreenCities project, its partners, and the EU logo, along with the EU disclaimer, both at the intro and outro of the video (it is available here). You can submit the video in English or German (in the case of a German submission, an English subtitle must be added).

Tech for Green Cities: Exciting Rewards

  • 1st prize: 500 EUR
  • 2nd prize: 300 EUR
  • 3rd prize: 200 EUR

Application Process for the Writing Contest

To apply for the competition, please fill out the form below and send us your articles or videos via the form. If you have any questions, you can contact us at our e-mail address:

Tech for Green Cities: Conclusion

In closing, the “GreenTech Solutions to Local Problems” writing contest invites young minds to collaborate in envisioning a greener future. As the Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities Project advances, this writing contest shines as a platform where youthful imagination intersects with practicality. Through storytelling and problem-solving, participants sow the seeds of change, fostering a shared commitment to tackle environmental challenges.

Be a part of the Green Cities Project’s online community by joining us on our Discord server

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